Weight-Loss Low-Calorie Foods

Not only are they a good source of vitamin C, but they also provide filling fiber and hydrating water.

1. Oranges

Incorporating grapefruit into your diet is an excellent idea because of the fruit's possible appetite-suppressing effects.

2. Grapefruit

Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and fiber and have a satisfying chew.

3. Carrots

Greek yogurt, especially when combined with filling fruits and nuts, might help you feel satisfied for longer.

4. Greek Yogurt

Eggs, whether boiled, scrambled, or incorporated into an omelet, are a protein-rich alternative that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

5. Eggs

Chicken and turkey breast without the skin are two examples of lean poultry that can be used in a variety of recipes and offer protein without adding too many calories.

6. Skinless Chicken or Turkey Breast

Salmon, cod, and tilapia, among other fish, are healthy options since they're high in protein and low in fat and calories.

7. Fish

Moderate consumption of lean cuts of beef, pig, and other meats is a great way to fill up without consuming too many calories.

8. Lean Meats

Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are legumes that are high in protein and fiber and can help you feel full for longer.

9. Legumes

Oats are hearty whole grains that may be eaten alone or incorporated into a variety of dishes.

10. Oats

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full