Daily Strength Exercises for Women To Lose Weight

To do squats, start by standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart. 

1. Squats

Make sure to maintain a straight back, keep your chest lifted, and align your knees with your toes. 

Take a step forward with one foot and bend your front knee until it forms a right angle, with your thigh parallel to the ground. 

2. Lunges

Push yourself back up to the starting position and then switch legs. Make sure to switch legs for each repetition.

To do this exercise, start by placing your hands on the ground, a little wider than shoulder-width apart.

3. Push-ups

Make sure to keep your body aligned in a straight line from your head all the way down to your heels. Please push yourself back up to the starting position.

Take a dumbbell in each hand and bend forward at the hips, making sure to keep your back flat and engage your core.

4. Dumbbell Rows

Lift the dumbbells towards your chest while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower the weights down slowly and with control.

To perform this exercise, simply grab a dumbbell in each hand and hold them at shoulder level. 

5. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Make sure your palms are facing forward. Lift the dumbbells up above your head until your arms are completely straight.

Assume a plank position by resting on your elbows and toes. Make sure to keep your body in a straight line, from your head all the way down to your heels.

6. Plank

Remember to engage your core muscles as you hold this position for the recommended amount of time. 

Fitness Goals: Best Exercises for Weight Loss