Fitness Goals: Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Climbing stairs is a great way to work out your lower body and get your heart pumping!

1. Stair Climbing

You can try doing Jump Box Step-Ups, which involve stepping up and down on a plyo box or a sturdy platform.

2. Jump Box Step-Ups

You can use a weighted slam ball to perform slams, which will engage your entire body and help you burn calories.

3. Slam Ball

To do wall sits with medicine ball twists, start by finding a wall to lean against. 

4. Wall Sits with Medicine Ball Twists

Then, lower yourself into a sitting position with your back against the wall and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

To do bear crawls, start by getting down on your hands and knees. Then, crawl forward and backward, using your core and shoulders to support your movement.

5. Bear Crawls

You can switch up your plank routine by trying out different variations like side planks, plank jacks, and plank with knee taps.

6. Plank Variations

These variations will help you engage your core and upper body muscles.

You can make your workout more challenging by combining battle rope waves with squat jumps. 

7. Battle Rope Waves with Squat Jumps

You can use the leg press machine at the gym to focus on your lower body and help burn calories.

8. Leg Press Machine

You can try using a kickboard while swimming laps to really target your lower body and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

9. Swimming Laps with Kickboard

Shaping Up: Top Exercises for Weight Loss